Parish Groups...
There are lots of different ways that you can get involved into the life of the parish. Many of these are the important ways in which we reach out to the wider community of Quinton and beyond. This page is just a small glimpse of the different groups that work in the parish.
Ministry of Welcome
When we gather together for Mass, Christ is present. He is present in the priest standing ‘in persona Christi’. He is present in sacramentally, in the consecration of the bread and wine. We reverence and adore the Blessed Sacrament. He is present in the word of God. And he is present in all of us as a community of disciples of Jesus.
The Ministry of Welcome encourages all to know they have a place in in the celebration of the liturgy, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice of the Mass. The Ministry of Welcome asks us to remember and model the reverence towards our neighbour as a fellow temple of the Holy Spirit. Through the hospitality that we show others when we welcome them, we welcome the Lord Himself.
When people come to church, they experience not only the liturgy, but the people associated with the church. Ideally the experience should be positive. The members of the welcome ministry communicate a sense of belonging to the parishioners. They support all at Mass, and are an important extension of the church and our Catholic family.
The Ministry of Welcome encourages all to know they have a place in in the celebration of the liturgy, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice of the Mass. The Ministry of Welcome asks us to remember and model the reverence towards our neighbour as a fellow temple of the Holy Spirit. Through the hospitality that we show others when we welcome them, we welcome the Lord Himself.
When people come to church, they experience not only the liturgy, but the people associated with the church. Ideally the experience should be positive. The members of the welcome ministry communicate a sense of belonging to the parishioners. They support all at Mass, and are an important extension of the church and our Catholic family.
To proclaim God’s Word in the Scripture Readings during Sunday Masses. There are one/two readers rostered for each Mass. Training will be provided. If you are interested, please contact the parish office.
Children's Liturgy
We are the Children's Liturgy Team at the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima. We offer a Liturgy of the Word for Children at our 11am Mass on Sunday. This is aimed primarily at Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2), though we welcome all children who haven't yet received their First Holy Communion. If needed parents are also welcome.
Why do a Liturgy of the Word for children? The Good News is God speaking to us today through the words in the Bible. We want to pass this onto our children in a way they can understand and engage with.
Children's Liturgy is NOT Bible study or an RE lesson. We don't need to be experts. We can safely leave that to the Holy Spirit. Our catechists are committed Christians who want to share their faith and enthusiasm for the Good News at work in their everyday lives.
* All catechists are DBS checked and have attended Safeguarding training sessions.
Why do a Liturgy of the Word for children? The Good News is God speaking to us today through the words in the Bible. We want to pass this onto our children in a way they can understand and engage with.
Children's Liturgy is NOT Bible study or an RE lesson. We don't need to be experts. We can safely leave that to the Holy Spirit. Our catechists are committed Christians who want to share their faith and enthusiasm for the Good News at work in their everyday lives.
* All catechists are DBS checked and have attended Safeguarding training sessions.
Music Groups
If you are interested in playing or singing at 6pm (Vigil Mass), 9.00am and 11.00am Sunday Mass please contact the parish office.
Over 60's Club
The Over 60's group meet every Monday afternoon in the Parish Hall and it offers a wonderful opportunity for the more elderly members of the parish to meet socially. The group is regularly large in number, and is made up of different faiths. There is different forms of entertainment each week, but a game of Bingo (or two!) is a much loved aspect of each week! Occasionally, they go on day trips to local places of interest. If you think you, or a member of your family, would like to come along, please do contact the parish office.
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
The SVP is an important part of our parish community. They help us to focus on our pastoral outreach to Quinton and the surrounding areas. The SVP Society is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. The meet on Monday once a fortnight in the Parish Hall. If you would like to be part of the SVP or would like to contribute to their important work, please contact the parish office. Please VISIT OUR PAGE for more information.
Guild of St Stephen
For many years, Our Lady of Fatima parish has been blessed with group of dedicated Altar Servers. After a period of 12 months continual service, they are enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen.
St Stephen was chosen as the patron of Altar Servers because he was a dedicated servant in the early Church and gave his life for his belief in Christ. The members of the Guild of St Stephen serve each Sunday at Mass, and sometimes during the week. During their time of training, Altar servers learn to do all of the roles that are needed to ensure that the Mass is celebrated properly, and with reverence. Please contact the Parish Priest for more information. |
The Parish Fundraising Committee
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee meet approximately four times per year. Their functions include counting & banking the collections; Gift Aid; Book-keeping; Computer Records; Quarterly Accounts; Annual Returns to the Archdiocese.
Counting Team
Counting team members are responsible for counting and recording the weekend collections. They follow a rota.
Tea & Coffee
To help serve tea/coffee after Sunday 9.00 am & 11am Mass in the Parish Hall. To clean and tidy up afterwards. If interested to be on a rota, please contact the parish office.
Volunteer flower arrangers have helped to make the parish well-known for its beautiful flower decorations, especially at Christmas and Easter and, indeed, throughout the ordinary season of the year.
The parish church has been blessed with the volunteers who always keep the church clean and tidy. They follow a rota. More helpers are always needed.
Upkeep & Maintenance
We attempt to carry out all necessary maintenance and upkeep of the parish property and grounds using volunteer labour and skills available from within the parish. We have a stalwart core group of people who have proved very effective at getting things done but, as always, these are few in number. We are always wanting more people to get involved. We are always looking out for new skills or trades available within the parish who are willing and able to give of their time and talents to help with the upkeep of the church, the presbytery, the hall and the grounds. Are you a plumber? a carpenter? an electrician? a builder? do you have gardening skills? or are you unskilled but happy to give of your time to help? We would love to hear from you.